Bruce W. Krucke
Toogoodoo Studios presents the artwork of painter-photographer Bruce W. Krucke. Offered are African wildlife, birds, dogs, and Charleston scenes in watercolor, pen and ink, and both open and limited edition reproductions. All photographs are available as prints or for commercial use also. This site is under continual update. Please feel free to contact Bruce with any questions or comments you have and do sign our guest book!
To PLACE AN ORDER: Please e-mail or phone, using the numbers found on the "How to Order" page.

Click on the elephant and baby above to begin the journals of our April 2006 trip to southern Africa, featuring Botswana and Cape Town.
Please click on the My Blog button in the list on the upper left to see some photos, mostly from the South Carolina Lowcountry. Because I am now concentrating on photography rather than painting, I will be adding a photo section to this website in the near future. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
To see a slide show of images from Botany Bay Wildlife Management Area at Edisto Beach, SC, please click on the photo below

The images on this website are the exclusive property of Bruce W. Krucke/Toogoodoo Studios, and are not available to the public in any form whatever without permission from the artist. High definition images of the photographs seen on the 2003 and 2006 Safaris are available from the artist for commercial use. Price to be determined. Prints of the photographs are available for personal use for US$20.00 for 8x10. Please contact the artist by email: All works of art and photographs reproduced on this website are copyrighted by Bruce W. Krucke No part of this website, including but not limited to the works of art and photographs displayed herein, may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including digital information storage and retrieval systems, without the permission of Bruce W. Krucke.

Click on above logos to visit home pages of other wildlife artists. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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